The name of this association shall be "The Washington State Horseshoe Pitchers Association," hereinafter referred to as the WSHPA.







We, the horseshoe pitchers of the State of Washington, in order to promote and foster the game of horseshoe pitching as a sport, to provide the opportunity and facilities for all persons interested in horseshoes in our state to participate in our game, to promote and foster the establishment and growth of local associations, tournaments and leagues and to insure the continued existence and growth of horseshoe pitching, do hereby establish this constitution for the Washington State Horseshoe Pitchers Association.


SECTION I: The name of this association shall be “The Washington State Horseshoe Pitchers Association.” Hereinafter referred to as the WSHPA.


SECTION I: The purpose of this association shall be to further the cause of horseshoe pitching by all proper means in the State of Washington and throughout the WSHPA area of influence, including our association with the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA).


SECTION I: The requirements for membership shall be specified in the By-Laws of the WSHPA.


SECTION I: The elected officers of the WSHPA shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a 2nd Vice President and a 3rd Vice President. Appointed officers of the WSHPA shall be the Secretary/Treasurer and the Regional Director. The officers of the WSHPA shall include at least one male and one female. Officers shall take office as of January 1st of the year following the State Tournament elections. The officers shall hold office until their successor is elected or appointed.

SECTION II: The election of the elected officers shall occur at an annual regular meeting of the WSHPA membership scheduled to occur during the Washington State Tournament. The officers shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the WSHPA general membership in attendance at the regular meeting.

SECTION III: The Secretary/Treasurer and Regional Director shall all be officers appointed by the Executive Board of the WSHPA. The Secretary/Treasurer and Regional Director shall all serve at the pleasure of the Executive Board. The Secretary/Treasurer and Regional Director may be appointed at any regular or called meeting of the Executive Board, provided that notice of said meeting and appointment is published in the WSHPA newsletter or notice of said meeting is made to all members of the Executive Board a minimum of ten (10) days prior to said meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer and Regional Director shall be appointed by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board members in attendance at the meeting.

SECTION IV: The elected officers shall be elected to serve two (2) year terms. The President and 2nd Vice-President shall be elected to serve two (2) year terms at annual meetings held in odd numbered years. The Vice-President and 3rd Vice-President shall be elected to serve two (2) year terms at annual meetings held in even numbered years.

SECTION V: In the event of death, resignation or removal of any officer or committee-person between elections, the President is empowered to make appointments to fill the unexpired term. Should the office of the President become vacant due to death, resignation or removal, the Vice-President shall become President and the 2nd Vice-President will become the Vice-President, and the 3rd Vice-President will become the 2nd Vice-President, and the President shall appoint a new 3rd Vice-President to fill the unexpired term.



SECTION I: The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings and to administer the business of this association, to authorize any obligations that exceed the established limits as set forth for individual items in the current annual budget, and to act on whatever may come to his/her attention in promoting the best interest of the association. The President further has the power to assign special duties to members or to appoint members to head or serve on such committees as he/she deems necessary, including a Medical Exemption Committee Chair Person.

SECTION II: : The Vice President shall have the same duties as the President, but will assume them only in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall have the responsibility to appoint an auditing committee as specified in the By-laws to this Constitution. The Vice President shall also chair the Honor Roll Committee and be in charge of securing judges at the State Tournament. The 2nd Vice President shall oversee the Jr. Promotion committee. The 3rd Vice President shall oversee the Promotion Committee and be in charge of scorekeepers at the State Tournament. All the Vice Presidents shall assist the Tournament Director of the State Tournament in any way needed.

SECTION III: The Vice President, 2nd Vice President and 3rd Vice President shall assume such duties as directed by the President. Said duties may include State Coordinator for membership drives, Youth Enrollment and Participation, State Publicity Coordinator, State Tournament Director, State Awards Director or any other duties deemed essential by the President.

SECTION IV: The duties of the Secretary shall be to prepare agendas for executive board and state meetings, to attend to correspondence and notification of all meetings, including publication of required notices and meeting announcements in the State newsletter upon receipt from the President and to keep accurate minutes of all State meetings and executive board meetings. The Secretary shall perform any other duties which may come to his/her attention as necessary to promote the best interest of the association.

SECTION V: The Treasurer shall have the power to incur indebtedness and authorize expenditure of WSHPA funds not to exceed the limits established for each item in the current approved annual budget as he/she deems necessary to be in the best interest of the association. Expenditures that would exceed the budgeted limit for each item in the current annual budget must be approved by the President. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to act as custodian of all funds of the association, to sign all warrants for association expenditures and to keep accurate financial records of the association funds. The Treasurer shall prepare financial reports to be presented at each regular executive board meeting and an annual report to be presented to the membership at the Annual State meeting. An inventory of all WSHPA property shall be made annually by the Treasurer and an inventory report shall be included in the annual report.

The Treasurer shall prepare a budget showing the anticipated income and expenditures for the coming year for adoption by the executive board prior to the annual State Meeting held in conjunction with the State Tournament. Additional duties shall include receiving dues and processing applications for new membership and associate memberships. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual report for the NHPA. The Treasurer shall reconcile the books monthly. The Treasurer shall prepare and present to the President a report showing the status of all funds at his request. The Treasurer shall, at the request of the appointed auditing committee, close the books and present them for auditing. The Treasurer may perform any other duties that may come to his/her attention that may be necessary to promote the best interest of the association.

The NHPA eShoe program is used to track all memberships and pitching statistics. It can be found on the NHPA website :

SECTION VI: The duties of the Regional Director shall be to determine tournament scheduling for the coming year, issue tournament Sanctions and obtain for distribution NHPA tournament patches. The Regional Director shall perform any other duties to promote the State Association and be a liaison for the NHPA and follow the guidelines laid out for the Regional Directors by the NHPA. The Regional Director shall be responsible for assuring that all scheduled tournament results are posted in eShoe within two weeks of the tournament date. 

SECTION VII: An Awards Director shall be appointed by the President. The person appointed shall maintain plate and plaque records and also be responsible for the procurement and distribution of plates and plaques in a timely manner.


SECTION I: Clubs throughout the State of Washington may request affiliation with the WSHPA and apply for recognition by the WSHPA as a Charter Club by electing club officers, including a President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. The club members shall apply for a charter from the WSHPA by notifying the WSHPA President of their desire to become a chartered club and providing a listing of the names and addresses for each of their elected club officers and a listing of each of the club members.

The club should submit a club name and a general description of the extent of the area it seeks to represent. The WSHPA President shall at the earliest opportunity present the request for a charter to the WSHPA Executive Board for their consideration. Approval by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board is required for issuance of a charter.

SECTION II: A charter club shall elect one of its members to be its official representative to the WSHPA who shall serve in the position of Executive Board Member. Each clubs' Executive Board Member shall be authorized to conduct business as defined in the By-Laws.

SECTION III: Each charter club should try to host at least one sanctioned tournament every year.

SECTION IV: Annual renewal of club charters shall be automatic provided the club furnishes the WSHPA Secretary a current listing of its officers.

SECTION V: Revocation of a club charter shall be by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board.



SECTION I: The WSHPA may adopt, delete or amend such By-Laws as it deems necessary upon approval by (l) a simple majority vote of the Executive Board or (2) participation of the WSHPA general membership in a ballot by mail or (3) by a simple majority vote of the WSHPA membership in attendance at a general membership meeting. Said mail ballot, having first received approval of the President, Secretary and the Treasurer for submission to the membership.

SECTION II: The President and Secretary/Treasurer shall be the WSHPA judicial body, and shall define and interpret the constitution and By-Laws, unless ruled otherwise by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board.


SECTION I: The President shall call a meeting of the WSHPA general membership at least once each year. This meeting shall be held in conjunction with the annual Washington State Tournament. The President shall call a meeting of the Executive Board at least twice each calendar year. Members must be notified at least ten (10) days prior to a meeting of its time and place.

SECTION II: Robert's Rules of Order, as revised and reading as follows shall govern all meetings:

1. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.

2. Approval, addition or correction of the minutes.

3. Reading of the financial report.

4. Reports of officers, boards and committees.

5. Memorandum of the President.

6. Unfinished business.

7. New business.

8. Election of Officers.

9. Adjournment.


SECTION I: This constitution may be amended by two-thirds affirmative vote of all voting WSHPA members present at any state meeting, provided however, that no proposed constitutional amendment may be considered or voted upon, unless a notice of the state or special meeting at which the amendment is proposed shall be published and distributed throughout the membership. Said notice shall contain a brief statement that amendments to the constitution are to be proposed and, as a minimum, a summary of the proposed amendments, or if practical, the amendments in entirety.





G-I: The WSHPA shall be affiliated and cooperate with the National Horseshoe Pitchers Association. All members, except associate members, shall be required to join the NHPA.



A. The WSHPA annual membership dues shall be determined by a vote of the Executive Board. Adjustment to the amount of the annual membership dues shall be by a simple majority.


A. The NHPA and the WSHPA annual membership dues must be paid online in eShoe. The dues entitles one membership in National Horseshoe Pitchers Association and the Washington Horseshoe Pitchers Association, from January 1st through December 31 of the current year.


A. Anyone who desires to be a supporter of the sport of horseshoe pitching shall be entitled to an Associate Membership upon payment of annual Associate Membership dues to the WSHPA Treasurer.

B. Associate members shall be entitled to full voting privileges at all meetings of the WSHPA general membership and to participate in mail balloting, on any WSHPA propositions presented to the WSHPA membership for a vote, except-- Associate members may not vote on matters pertaining to the NHPA constitution and By-Laws.

C. Associate members must, prior to pitching in a NHPA and WSHPA sanctioned event, pay the annual dues assessed NHPA and WSHPA members less any prepaid Associate dues, except as provided in T-IV-B.


A. In the event that a WSHPA member is suspended through disciplinary action as provided in the By-Laws, his/her WSHPA dues shall not be refunded.



A. A Washington State newsletter shall be published and distributed to all WSHPA members by email.

B. The Washington State newsletter shall be published monthly, in so far as possible, with the exception that bimonthly publications may be permitted during November through February.

C. The WSHPA newsletter Editor and WSHPA President shall be responsible for the Washington State newsletter contents, publication, and distribution.



A. The WSHPA Secretary/Treasurer, Awards Director and Regional Director shall each receive an annual compensation for expenditures and expenses at the rate determined by the Executive Board.

B. The compensation shall commence with the appointment of the Secretary/Treasurer, Awards Director and Regional Director to office and continue throughout his/her term of service.

C. The compensation shall be paid quarterly.


A. The Officers of the WSHPA and Executive Board members shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred during their tenure for all reasonable costs encountered in the performance of their duties for the WSHPA.

B. A voucher detailing the expenditure shall be submitted to the WSHPA Treasurer prior to reimbursement of said costs.



A. The Executive Board shall be comprised of the WSHPA President, Vice President, 2nd Vice President, 3rd Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Regional Director, Shoes News Editor and one member representing each club chartered and recognized as an affiliate of the WSHPA.

B. Each club may elect one member to the Executive Board.

C. Each Executive Board member shall be authorized to represent his/her club in all business matters regarding the WSHPA.


A. Each Executive Board member shall be authorized to appoint, from time to time, a delegate from the membership of his/her local club to act in his/her stead when circumstances prevent attendance of the elected Executive Board member.

B. Each Executive Board member and any delegate that he/she may appoint must be a member in good standing of both the NHPA and the WSHPA.

C. Each acting delegate appointed to represent a local club shall acknowledge that they are an appointed delegate and identify which club they are representing.


A. WSHPA members residing in a locality that does not have a local club shall be represented by the Executive Board member of an adjacent locality that has a WSHPA chartered and recognized club.

B. The WSHPA Secretary shall determine which club shall represent said member.


A. Executive Board meetings shall be scheduled by the President. The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of 2 times each year.

B. The Executive Board must have a simple majority of its members present at any meeting to constitute a quorum for conducting business.

C. The Executive Board meetings shall be scheduled in conjunction with a WSHPA tournament, in so far as practical.


A. The Executive Board shall be authorized to enact rules, regulations and By-Laws.


A. All propositions to be considered by the Executive Board shall be published and distributed in the WSHPA State newsletter. Said distribution shall be a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the meeting.



A. All Funds of the WSHPA shall be governed by these procedures unless specifically noted here-in.


A. All funds of the WSHPA shall be deposited in a WSHPA bank account or shall be invested in an appropriate savings account, stocks, bonds, or certificates to realize an adequate return on WSHPA funds. Selection of the banking establishment and type of investment for all funds shall be at the discretion of the WSHPA Treasurer.

B. Signature of either the Treasurer or the President, but not both, shall be required on all written checks.

C. A signature card for both officers shall be provided to the bank, so either the WSHPA Treasurer or the President shall have access to the fund in case of incapacity of the other.


A. The WSHPA Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining a recorded accounting of all funds of the WSHPA.


A. The Treasurer shall make all books and records including records of receipts and expenditures available to an auditing committee appointed by the Vice-President or the Executive Board.

B. The 1st Vice-President shall appoint an auditing committee consisting of two (2) or more members to conduct an annual audit.

C. The auditing committee members shall not be officers or appointees in any other capacity in the WSHPA.

D. The auditing committee shall verify that they have conducted a complete audit of all funds, books and records and shall report their findings to the State Officers, The Executive Board.

E. The WSHPA funds, books and records shall be audited at least once each year, after the closing date for yearly business.

F. An audit may be required at any time by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board.


A. The closing date for yearly business shall be July 31.


A. A financial report of all WSHPA funds shall be presented by the Treasurer to the WSHPA membership at the annual meeting held in conjunction with the State Tournament.


A. A special fund, designated the Winetrout Special Fund, shall be governed by the procedures for all WSHPA funds, except as noted in F-VII.

B. The Winetrout Special Fund shall be invested in an appropriate savings account, stocks, bonds, or certificates to realize an adequate return on the fund.

C. The principal investment shall not be withdrawn except for an emergency. Said emergency shall be declared by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board.

D. Withdrawal of the principal investment shall require a written authorization signed by at least four (4) state officers declaring that an emergency exists and stating the reason for the withdrawal.

E. Interest earned on the principal of the Winetrout Special Fund shall be used to compensate the President, Secretary/Treasurer, Awards Director and newsletter Editor for anticipated expenditures and expenses, or any other use deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.


A. In event of the death of Winnie Winetrout, this will be known as the Winnie Winetrout Memorial Fund.

B. This Fund will exist as long as the WSHPA exists. If WSHPA ceases to exist, the Fund #2 must be transferred to the NHPA General Fund. No part of the principal can be withdrawn except as noted above.

C. The annual interest (if/when available) from this account will be distributed as follows:

1. $1000 annually to the WSHPA Junior Scholarship Fund. This will be used for college or trade school. Junior Committee recommendation will be considered by the Executive Board.

a. Awards Available

1. The Junior State Champion of each year beginning with 1992 shall receive a scholarship for $200.00 which they may be awarded when an application is submitted and approved.

2. All Juniors in the WSHPA shall receive $10.00 scholarship entitlement (per WSHPA tournament) entered up to a maximum of $300.00 total per year for all juniors which they may be awarded in the event of award requirements when needed. If more than $300.00 are earned, Juniors shall receive a prorated amount of the total each year.

3. A scholarship of up to $500.00 can be applied for by a junior, or former junior, who has had three (3) years as a WSHPA junior. This scholarship shall be up to the approval of the Executive Board on a case by case basis. More than one award may be made if more requests are received and money is available in the fund.

b. Procedure.

1. The money is to be kept in the Junior Scholarship Fund and record kept of how much each junior is to receive. The money is then to be paid to the educating facility for tuition and not to be paid the individual. The junior or former junior need only to request the entitled scholarship money, when needed, through the treasurer of the WSHPA. A report as to how the Junior Scholarship money is used is to be given at the General Membership meeting each year by the Junior Committee.

2. The balance of the Winetrout Fund #2 annual interest will be distributed into the Winetrout Winter Classics as follows:

a. Men's Championship Plaque

b. Ladies' Championship Plaque

c. Elders' Championship Plaque

d. Junior's Trophies (3)


A. All special funds, such as memorial funds, special assessment funds, scholarship funds, Juniors Trust fund, etc. shall be recorded and reported by fund name by the Treasurer. Expenditures from these funds shall be authorized by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board and reported to the membership by publication in the WSHPA newsletter.

B. Expenditures from the memorial fund shall require a written statement detailing the reason for the expenditure signed by at least four (4) state officers.



A. A fund shall be established for the purpose of paying current years dues for NHPA membership of any new member that wishes to join the WSHPA on a date later than the Washington State Tournament. The New Member Fund shall be derived through donations from members. The fund will be used for its intended purpose on a first come first served basis as long as there is a sufficient balance in the fund.

B. New Members that have the current year NHPA membership dues paid from the fund shall have their current year WSHPA membership dues waived. To qualify for the NHPA dues to be paid and WSHPA dues to be waived, the new member must pay full dues for the next calendar year for both the NHPA and WSHPA.

C. The New Member Fund shall be administered by the WSHPA Treasurer.



A. A Hall of Fame Induction committee shall be comprised of five (5) members appointed by the President.

B. In the event of death, resignation or removal from the committee of any member, the President shall appoint a new committee member to fill the unexpired term.

C. Each member of the committee shall serve a five (5) year term, with one (1) member’s term of office expiring each year.

D. The Hall of Fame Induction committee member with the greatest tenure shall be the Chairperson of the committee.

E. There shall be a minimum of one (1) male and one (1) female on the Hall of Fame Induction committee at all times.


A. The name of nominees submitted as candidates for induction into the Hall of Fame must be submitted to the WSHPA Hall of Fame Induction Committee Chairperson by the member recommending induction of the nominee.

B. The Hall of Fame Induction Committee Chairperson shall report the names of all nominees for induction to the Hall of Fame committee.

C. A compilation of qualifications detailing the history of the candidate’s activity in horseshoes, etc. must be submitted to the Hall of Fame Chairperson at the time of nomination.

D. All nominations must be submitted to the Hall of Fame Induction Committee Chairperson by May 1 to be considered during the current calendar year.

E. The of Hall of Fame Induction Committee Chairperson shall submit copies of all candidates qualifications to each committee member prior to June 1.

F. Hall of Fame Induction Committee persons must abstain from voting on Hall of Fame candidates that are members of their immediate family.


A. Guidelines suggested for the Hall of Fame Induction Committee to follow are:

1. Voting on nominees by the committee shall be by secret ballot giving three (3) points for first, two (2) points for second, and one (1) point for third. A nominee selection will require twelve (12) points.

2. Points to consider, not listed in order of importance, would be:

a. Participation, Including length of time

b. Promotion

c. Sportsmanship

d. Ability

B. When a person is selected as a candidate, but does not receive the required twelve (12) votes to be inducted, the name will remain on the ballot for the following year. If at that voting, he or she still does not receive enough votes, the candidate qualifications would have to be presented again at a later date.

C. SPECIAL NOTE: The Hall of Fame committee should be resolved that induction into the Horseshoe Hall of Fame is a very special honor, and as such, the criteria for approval of nominees by the Hall of Fame committee should be maintained at a high level to assure that this honor is bestowed only on those who have significantly contributed to the sport of horseshoe pitching.





A. The Junior Hall of Fame Induction Committee shall be the same as the Junior Committee members and shall serve concurrent with their term on the Junior Committee

B. The Chairperson of the Junior Committee shall be named by the President.

C. All members shall be appointed and replaced by the Junior Committee Chairperson.


A. The Junior Hall of Fame Committee may nominate for induction into the Junior Hall of Fame no more than three (3) pitchers each calendar year that meet the qualifications defined in these procedures.

B. Inductees shall have pitched in at least 10 sanctioned tournaments during their junior eligibility years. They shall have distinguished themselves in achievement as a junior pitcher and They shall have reached their Eighteenth (18th) birthday at the time of their induction.

C. The Junior Hall of Fame Committee shall provide a list of nominees to the Executive Board for a vote on induction into the Junior Hall of Fame. Induction shall require a simple majority plus two votes for a nominee to be inducted.

D. Inductees shall be announced at the Annual State Meeting and a list of the inductees shall be published in the state newsletter.


Honor Roll


A. There will be listing of members who have made outstanding achievement, contributions, or efforts supporting the WSHPA during the previous year. It will be called the Honor Roll.


A. The WSHPA First Vice President shall chair the Honor Roll Committee. The WSHPA First Vice President shall appoint three (3) members to serve a one (1) year term on the Honor Roll Committee. The WSHPA President shall be a member of the Honor Roll Committee.


A. Nomination and selection of inductees shall be made by the Honor Roll Committee. Nominations are to made by the committee no later than May 1.

B. A limit of 4 members or associate members each calendar year may be inducted. Inductees may be re-inducted in subsequent years for additional achievement or contributions. Inductees may or may not be a member of the Hall of Fame.

C. To be inducted into the Honor Roll nominee must be or have been an active member or associate member. Inductees must have accomplished unusual achievements or has contributed in an exceptional way to support the WSHPA.

D. The First Vice President shall distribute a list of nominees to the Honor Roll Committee members so later than June 1.

E. The Inductees shall be announced by the First Vice President at the Annual State Meeting and a list of the inductees shall be included in the state newsletter.



A. The awards distributed at all WSHPA sanctioned tournaments shall be governed by the procedures described in this section.


A. An awards system, known as the Plaque Program shall be administered by the Awards Director.

B. The plaque program shall apply to all classes in WSHPA sanctioned tournaments.

C. The Awards Director shall maintain a record of tournament wins for all participants in the plaque program.


A. The plaque program shall consist of plates and plaques awarded to winners in each class as follows:

Number Entered Plates Awarded

3 or 4 1st

5 or 6 1st, 2nd

7 or 8 1st, 2nd, 3rd

9 or 10 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

11 or 12 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th

After each individual player has won his/her first five (5) plates, a plaque, shaped in the outline of Washington State, will be presented to that individual. When an individual player has been awarded sufficient plates to fill the plaque [thirteen (13). After (13 additional plates are awarded) a second plaque can be purchased for an amount determined by the Executive Board. Subsequent plaques will be available up on request for the amount designated.

B. An optional choice shall be awarded to all pitchers In lieu of participating in the plaque system, each pitcher may elect to receive a cash award consistent with the cost of the plate and plaques as established by the WSHPA Secretary. Pitchers that chose the option of receiving cash awards shall not be permitted to alter that choice without permission of the executive board.


A. A fee, determined by the Treasurer and concurred by the Executive Board, will be paid to the WSHPA by the tournament director for each plate awarded at his/her tournament.

B. All plaques shall be furnished by the WSHPA.


A.In addition to the plates awarded under the plaque program, each tournament director may, at his/her discretion, determine and present additional awards to each class. Such awards may include prize money, trophies or other prizes, but shall not include WSHPA plates or plaques over and above those authorized in A-III.


A.NHPA Patch Awards shall be presented to the First Place winner in each class. The award insignia shall read Class Champion, except the winner of the top class in the tournament shall be presented a NHPA Patch Award with the insignia Tournament Champion. If an elder class is seeded in the tournament, that top class would also receive a Tournament Champion patch




A. The WSHPA shall have sole authority to grant NHPA and WSHPA sanction to all types of horseshoe pitching tournaments, events, and contests held within the State of Washington.

B. A tournament must be open to all WSHPA and NHPA members to be granted a sanction, however the number of entries may be limited by the tournament director. Requests for entry into a tournament with limited entrees shall be granted on a first come basis.


A. The Regional Director shall be responsible for granting of WSHPA and NHPA sanctions and establishing schedule dates, at his/her discretion, for all sanctioned horseshoe pitching events.

B. Requests for sanction of events will be considered annually by the Regional Director.

C. Requests for sanction of events must be submitted sixty (60) days prior to the event.

D. The Regional Director may, at his/her discretion, establish a deadline for submission of requests for sanction and schedule dates for all events to be considered during the calendar year.



A. The WSHPA shall have jurisdiction to determine all rules and regulations governing sanctioned horseshoe pitching events in Washington State.

B. The horseshoe pitching rules and regulations established by the NHPA, including the latest revisions enacted by the NHPA, are here-by adopted and shall govern all sanctioned horseshoe pitching events within Washington State unless specifically accepted in the WSHPA By-Laws.


A. All entrants in WSHPA and NHPA sanctioned tournaments must be members in good standing of both the WSHPA and NHPA.

B. The tournament director shall be responsible to verify each entrant's eligibility by checking eShoe.

C. Any person who registers for a sanctioned tournament and then fails to show up or cancel(s) out will forfeit their entry fee to that club before they are allowed to enter another sanctioned tournament. The only exception will be an emergency, as determined by the tournament director.


A. Tournament entrants shall be seeded into classes based on individual ringer percentages established from tournaments pitched by each entrant during the past twelve (12) months, using eShoe as the source.

B. All entrants must have competed in at least one (1) sanctioned tournament in the previous twelve (12) month period to have an official ringer percentage. Pitchers must re-qualify after being inactive for one (1) year or longer

C. Entrants without an established official ringer percentage must qualify by pitching one-hundred (100) shoes scored by a member of the WSHPA. The number of ringers pitched, less ten percent (10%) shall be the qualification ringer percentage for seeding in a tournament. The 100 qualification shoes must be pitched within thirty (30) days of the tournament.


A. The tournament director shall, at his/her discretion, determine the number of entrants seeded into each class, striving toward establishing eight (8) person classes, when practical, considering the number of entrants and the percentage point spread in class size determination. (If the percentage point spread is 10 points or greater in any class, the tournament director should consider the option of using 3 or more person classes, providing at least four games are pitched.)

B. The tournament director shall strive to establish separate classes for men, ladies, juniors, and elders, thirty (30) foot pitchers. If, in the opinion of the tournament director, separate classes are not feasible because of insufficient number of entries or the ringer percentage point spread of entrants would be too large to be evenly competitive, then he/she may establish mixed classes combining thirty (30) and forty (40) foot pitchers into a class or classes.


A. The highest class in a tournament shall be designated class "A". The designation "Championship Class" shall be exclusively reserved for the highest men's, ladies, juniors, and elder classes in the annual Washington State Tournament.


A. All sanctioned tournament games shall be forty (40) point cancellation or count- all scoring (including ringer only count scoring, 40 shoe games as used in the Winetrout Tournaments).

B. The tournament director at his/her discretion may limit the length of games by establishing a set number of the shoes pitched by each contestant in each game.

C. In shoe limit games, or when using count-all scoring, games that are tied after regulation play shall remain tied. Each pitcher shall receive credit for 1/2 a game win for a tied game.

D. Sudden death playoff shall be as follows: Each pitcher shall pitch two shoes, with choice of first pitch determined by flipping of shoes or coin. If, after each pitcher has pitched two shoes, the score remains tied, then each pitcher shall pitch two more shoes, with first pitch alternating until the tie is broken.


A. The winners of sanctioned tournaments shall be determined by listing from the most to the least games won during round robin play.

B. Ties for first place shall be played off.

C. The tournament director may limit the number of shoes pitched in playoff games.

D. In the event of a three way tie for first place, the two pitchers with the lowest total ringer percentage pitched during the tournament will play each other to determine who will play the pitcher with the highest percentage. The loser of that game shall be the third place finisher. In a single game for first place, the losing pitcher of the game will be awarded second place, and the winning pitcher shall be awarded first place. In case of a four way tie for first place, the first round will be based on the ringer percentage pitched during the tournament, with the highest ringer percentage pitcher seeded against the fourth highest finisher. The second highest ringer percentage shall be seeded against the third highest finisher. The winners after the first round will play off for first and second, the losers after the first round will playoff for third and fourth.

E. In the event of ties for any position other than first place, the tie breakers shall be in the following order:

1. Ringer percentage pitched during round robin play. If still tied, then:

2. Total points scored during round robin play. (See T-X regarding forfeitures) If still tied, then:

3. Who beat whom during round robin play.



A. In tournament competition the wins and losses and all statistics accumulated shall remain in the books for a pitcher who has to forfeit one or more games for any reason. Any person who forfeits games shall finish wherever his/her record puts him/her in the standings unless he/she forfeits for an unapproved reason as defined in the NHPA rules, then he/she finishes last.

B. If a person cannot complete a started game and must forfeit, the score of that game and all other forfeit games shall be 40 points and a win for the competitor and 0 points and a loss for the person who forfeits the game(s).


A.The use of alcohol, any form of tobacco, or illegal controlled substances, shall be prohibited within the confines of the courts for all pitchers, officials, and score keepers.


A. State and National dues are waived for all Junior and Cadet pitchers. Those fees will be covered by a special fund set up by the Junior Promotion Committee, known as the Jr. Promo Fund (JPF).

B. Tournament entry fees shall be waived for all Junior and Cadet pitchers.

A. If a sufficient number of Juniors are entered in a tournament, it is recommended that a Jr. Class or Classes be set up with groupings in classes of three (3) or more. If percentage spreads are too wide, handicapping is recommended.

B. Juniors may be seeded into adult classes where their percentages fit. All Juniors assigned to pitch in adult classes shall be designated as Junior A class pitchers.

           1. When Juniors are assigned to adult classes those pitching in juniors-only classes shall be classified as Junior B class, Junior C class, etc.

A. Juniors and Cadets shall be awarded plates, patches, and cash as specified in Awards, except when one or more Juniors are seeded in a class with adults. Then, awards shall be presented as follows: The Junior pitching the highest ringer percentage for the tournament shall be Junior Tournament Champion and receive a Tournament Champion plate and patch. All other Juniors seeded in adult classes shall be awarded Jr. Class A 2nd place, 3rd place, etc. based on their ringer percentage pitched during the tournament. Jr. classes are then covered by JPA-II Seeding, Sec. B.1.

B. Cash awards for Junior and Cadet pitchers shall be half (1/2) of the rate paid to adults. The tournament host club is responsible for one-half (1/2) of the cash that is awarded, which would be one-fourth (1/4) of the amount paid to adults. The JPF covers the other portion of the cash award.

           1. No cash awards shall be paid directly to Juniors or Cadets or their agent. All cash awards due Juniors and Cadets shall be sent to the WSHPA Treasurer and placed in an account maintained for each Junior or Cadet. These funds can be          redeemed after his or her eighteenth (18th) birthday.

           2. Upon reaching age eighteen (18), Juniors need to send a written request to the Treasurer in order for their funds to be released to them. The request can be sent by mail or email. The request must contain the pitchers full name, birthdate, signature and the address the check will be mailed to. 




A. The Washington State Championship Tournament shall be held annually during the Labor Day Weekend. It shall be at this tournament only, that the titles "State Class Champion" and "Champion Horseshoe Pitchers of the State of Washington" be awarded. The "State Class Champion" shall be awarded to the first place winner of their respective class. The titles of "Champion Horseshoe Pitchers of the State of Washington" shall be awarded to the first place winners of their respective Championship Classes.


A. The WSHPA President, or his/her delegate shall be the tournament director.


A. Any person having established residence in the State of Washington may become a member of the NHPA and WSHPA and be eligible to enter any State Sanctioned Tournament during the year with the exception that the following additional requirements must be met to qualify to enter the Washington State Championship Tournament. To qualify for entry into the Washington State Championship Tournament an adult pitcher must pitch in two (2) sanctioned tournaments held within Washington State since the last State Tournament. To qualify for entry into the Washington State Championship Tournament a junior/cadet pitcher must pitch in one (1) sanctioned tournament held within Washington State since the last State Tournament.

B: All entrants to the Washington State Championship Tournament must signify their intent to pitch in the tournament by means of paying the entry fee required by the designated time established by the Tournament Director, in advance of the tournament. Entry forms, instructions and deadlines will be available online on or in the Shoes News. 

C. Entry fees will be refunded only in the event of sickness, death or an emergency due to the act of God.


A. There shall be as many classes as are practical or possible in the judgment of the President or the designated tournament director, including classes of play for men, ladies, junior boys and girls eighteen (18) years of age or under, cadets twelve (12) years of age or under, and elder men sixty-five (65) years of age and older.


A. The current men's, ladies, juniors and elder State Champions will automatically be seeded into the number one (1) position in their respective Championship Class, except juniors or cadets who have exceeded the age requirement for competing in the junior or cadet class.

B. The men 40-foot pitchers with the highest official ringer percentage and the current Men's State Champion shall be seeded into the Men's Championship Class.

C. Ladies, Juniors, Cadets, and Elders State Champion classes shall be seeded at the discretion of the President or the designated tournament director based on the number of tournament entries and the percent point spread.

D. The pitching schedule shall be determined by the President or Tournament director, depending upon the number of tournament entrants.

E. The Tournament Directors have the discretion of limiting games with shoe limits or point limit for all classes except the Men’s Championship Class.


A. The rules and regulations as specified in T-III shall govern play in the Washington State Tournament unless specifically accepted in the State Tournament Section of the By-Laws.

B. Games won, shall determine the order in which the participants are listed as winning.

C. All first place ties shall be played off.

D. Ties for all places below first shall be determined as specified in T-IX-E.

E. Men’s Championship games, including playoff games shall be, forty (40) point cancellation.


A.                  All contestants competing in a State Tournament shall have, as a minimum, their last name professionally lettered on the back of their shirts. Said shirts cannot be sleeveless. No cut-offs are permitted and closed-toe shoes must be worn. Further dress code restrictions may be imposed by the Executive Board if all entrants are notified no later than the tournament entry deadline. Contestants that do not comply may not be allowed to participate in the event.


A.                  Jackets, Shirts, and Hats will be awarded to each class in the state tournament designating 1st, 2nd, 3rd places respectively. All jackets and shirts will indicate ‘Washington State Tournament’, but only the Men’s, Women’s, Elder, Jr boy, Jr girl, or Cadet Championship classes will have “Champion’ worded on their Jackets to distinguish them from all other classes.


  1. The members in good standing, attending the regular meeting held during the Washington State Tournament shall award by a simple majority vote, the site of the Washington State Tournament for the following year.



A. The Washington State Doubles Championship Tournament shall be held annually. It shall be at this tournament only, that the title "State Doubles Champions" will be awarded. The State Doubles Champions" shall be awarded to the first place winner of the tournament.


A. The WSHPA President, or his/her delegate shall be the tournament director.


A. Any person having established residence in the State of Washington may become a member of the NHPA and WSHPA and be eligible to enter any State Sanctioned Tournament during the year with the exception that the following additional requirements must be met to qualify to enter the Washington State Doubles Tournament. To qualify for entry into the Washington State Doubles Tournament, an adult pitcher must pitch in two (2) sanctioned tournaments held within Washington State since the last State Doubles Tournament. To qualify for entry into the Washington State Doubles Tournament, a junior/cadet pitcher must pitch in one (1) sanctioned tournament held within Washington State since the last State Doubles Tournament.

B: All entrants to the Washington State Doubles Championship Tournament must signify their intent to pitch in the tournament by means of paying the entry fee required by the designated time established by the Tournament Director. Entry forms, instructions and deadlines will be available online on or in the Shoes News. 

C. Entrants must find a partner that has a percentage in eShoe (captured at the beginning of the month or a reasonable date thereof when the doubles tournament is being held) when added together does not exceed 110%. We will strive to get the percentages for the doubles tournament in the Shoes News the month of the doubles tournament to make it easier to find a partner. It is not the responsibility of the tournament director to find you a doubles partner.

D. Entry fees will be refunded only in the event of sickness, death or an emergency due to the act of God.



A. There shall be as many classes as are practical or possible in the judgment of the President or the designated tournament director.


A. The team(s) with the highest entering percentage (when added together) will be seeded in the championship class.

B. The pitching schedule shall be determined by the President or Tournament director, depending upon the number of tournament entrants.



A. The rules and regulations as specified in T-III shall govern play in the Washington State Doubles Tournament unless specifically documented in the State Tournament Section of the By-Laws.

B. Games won shall determine the order in which the participants are listed as winning.

C. All first place ties shall be played off. Playoff game(s) will be 40 shoes (20 shoes each pitcher)

D. Ties for all places below first shall be determined as specified in T-IX-E.

E. All games will be 40 shoes (20 shoes each pitcher)

F. The tournament will follow the walking doubles guidelines. The top pitcher (highest percentage) pitcher from each team will be on the same side and will be called the “A” pitchers. The other pitchers will be referred to as the “B” pitchers.

G. The NHPA dress code will be enforced at every state-run tournament. 



  1. A. All contestants competing in a State Tournament shall have, as a minimum, their last name professionally lettered on the back of their shirts. Said shirts cannot be sleeveless. No cut-offs are permitted and closed-toe shoes must be worn. Further dress code restrictions may be imposed by the Executive Board if all entrants are notified no later than the tournament entry deadline. Contestants that do not comply may not be allowed to participate in the event.


A.       Normal tournament awards will be awarded at the state doubles tournament. Special State doubles tournament patches will be given out for the state doubles champions and class doubles champions.


  1. The members in good standing, attending the regular meeting held during the Washington State Tournament shall award by a simple majority vote, the site of the Washington State Doubles Tournament for the following year.



A. The tournament director may suspend from that tournament any pitcher for unsportsmanlike-like conduct.

B. If a pitcher is removed from the tournament and the tournament director determines that additional action is required, the incident shall be reported to the WSHPA President. The WSHPA President shall contact all parties involved with the incident and, if, in his opinion further measures are necessary, shall set a meeting time and place for a hearing by the State Officers and Executive Board.

C. The State Officers and Executive Board may suspend, restrict from further play, and/or revoke membership in the WSHPA from any member after a fair hearing has been held. Said member shall have an opportunity to be heard at the meeting.




A. The medical exemption must be presented to the WSHPA executive board for approval. 

B. Rules governing this procedure shall be according to the directives of the NHPA medical exemption program.

Constitution & By-Laws Revised by Executive Board vote as of February 11, 2023.